Hi !
I'm Milan Sharma 👋
A Full Stack Developer with a passion for turning ideas into dynamic, production-ready applications. I specialize in creating sleek frontends, building powerful backends, and deploying seamless, scalable solutions that leave a lasting impact.
Tools and technologies I've worked with :
My Projects
Check out my latest work
I've worked on a variety of projects, from simple websites to complex web applications. Here are a few of my favorites.
Police Feedback System.
Jan 2024
Developed a complete website during the Rajasthan Police Hackathon 1.0, utilizing PHP, MySQL, and Python for the backend, and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the frontend. The platform is designed to send messages to users for collecting anonymous feedback and provides detailed analytics for the admin, enabling data-driven insights.
Urdu,Telugu Word Extractor.
Feb 2024
Developed a project for the Reckon 5.0 Hackathon aimed at extracting text from images inside PDF files. The backend of the website is built using Python, while the frontend utilizes HTML, Bootstrap CSS, and JavaScript. The project leverages Tesseract OCR to accurately extract text from images within PDFs, providing an efficient solution for document processing.
I like building things
During my time in university, I attended 3+ hackathons. People from around the country would come together and build incredible things in 2-3 days. It was eye-opening to see the endless possibilities brought to life by a group of motivated and passionate individuals.
- M
MUJ HackX 2.0
Jaipur, Rajasthan
MUJ HackX 2.0 stands as more than just a competition; it's a dynamic platform for future tech leaders to showcase their talents and make a meaningful impact on the world of technology - R
Reckon 5.0
Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Worked on a project focused on extracting words of urdu telegu from image inside pdf files. - R
Rajasthan Police Hackathon
Jaipur, Rajasthan
Worked on a robust police feedback system